"Centuries? Huh... that's going to make this extra interesting for you. I'll make sure to give it the highest consideration. To be fair... a bard would be good for this sort of thing, but one step at a time..." Nerys said, she was still just thinking of ways to make Jason happy. Though she was resisting the outright sexual call of his nature at the moment by talking about it. She wouldn't have been able to deny the way her thoughts were working were aligned to that stupid, stupid oath made by Kolin. Nerys right now considered that if Jason wanted to sleep with her, it wouldn't be so bad if he was the only man she felt compelled to sleep with, she wasn't a stupid cow or anything. It could potentially be an experience... an experiment even in the interests of the female body she'd been inhabiting for the last half-century.

Strangely enough, Nerys found herself satisfied by Jason's reaction to her work. What an interesting tingling sensation she found welling in her loins from something as simple as acknowledgement that she'd gotten his proportions right in for this 'tool' she'd created. Yep, that was confirmation enough that Nerys was indeed as locked into this crap oath as Kolin herself was. Speaking of the blonde, she'd gone back to work on the man's cock like she thought for a moment she'd lose him to the wittier conversation provided by Nerys. Nerys herself knew the truth of this as she used to be a man, sometimes, it was just as interesting to chase something that wasn't obviously interested back. New conquests and all of that... though she wouldn't have picked to make herself prey, doing it this way would allow her to keep more of herself than throwing herself over to the world's sworn oath. "Thick is definitely how I'd describe it... I'm a bit scared to be honest," Nerys said, she was in fact... still a coward. There was no getting around that. Having made the tool she was quite frightened of it and how it would fit within her body. Yes, bodies were made to stretch in certain instances, but having never been on the receiving end of such stretching it didn't seem like the sort of thing she should be trying first. Why weren't there gradual sizes of these sorts of things... why did men come in such terrifying proportions? It made her wonder if she'd once been equally off-putting. "Stripper pole is a bit more my starting speed. I'll get to work then," she said, but her words were forced a bit more than she'd like to end this statement. "And if the Great Captain Jason wishes to join me before I'm completely finished... I couldn't at all regret the company~" Nerys blushed and turned to walk away with swiftness, still holding that dildo. Yep, that was definitely not something she would have said of her own accord. Such words earned her an ireful glare from Kolin, which was almost comical considering she currently had a huge dick within her mouth.