Nerys was indeed quite thankful for his consideration in a moment like the one she planned to undertake. Her actual problem with this entire situation was fear in general, she was scared of pain and didn't want something to hurt her if it didn't have to. She'd gone through the trouble of making all of these things because she wasn't sure what type of man Jason was before hand. She'd' figured if he was not the type to take no for an answer... then she might as well not have a terrible time. Besides that uses of things like lube weren't to be underestimated. She wondered if he'd even realize all the potential uses of it so early. Right at her stopping point she took a breath, and found a deep moment of relaxation. She had to continue, but after catching sight of Jason in the mirror she realized... he was experiencing something new as well. "This is really intense..." she murmured. Still, one to continue she'd push further... her hips shifting further and further downward as she passed the one spot which held that strange tightness. Eventually, after what seemed like a most arduous process she'd find her hips settled back against Jason's body and she'd rest there for a moment or two. Something about that slow descent was particularly unnerving... even so, she didn't feel bad at the moment. The lube did its job, allowing her to slide without too much friction but the fit was still much tighter than she expected. The pressure of her insides was weirdly placed but not unpleasant. "This feels so strange but it's..." she paused gently as she shifted starting a similarly slow rise and fall of her hips. "Not bad..." she finished softly.