As far as Kou was concerned, it seemed as if this would continue as long as necessary. Maybe one or both of them would pass out, and maybe it would carry on even then in some way. Only time would tell, but at the moment, there was a certain amount of progression which led to Kou's leaking member slicking even more of Miki's posterior. Had her undergarments moved? Yes, that could be he only answer. Something seemed very off about that, though. It was no movement of his which caused this shift, and physics alone dictated that such a shift should have been impossible. Ah, but then... what was she doing that he couldn't see? The girl moaned again, and there was no way this simple grinding motion was enough to elicit that much of a response. He had a burning desire to test how awake she was, but an equal desire to ensure that he seemed asleep still.

Kou's hand seemed to be in a reasonable enough position already to make another move. His body maneuvered itself in a manner akin to simple sleep-shuffling, and the result was his arm rising until a hand rested upon Miki's bosom. "Hm... mrph─" he uttered as if he were only repositioning. Much to the contrary of that, though, there was a light squeeze to the girl's breast while this odd form of humping made more and more progress.