Personal Information

Name: Matsuda Masahiko
Online ID: Myst1cPr1nce
Age: 31
Gender: Male

A man with white hair in a clean bowl cut, he has piercing blue eyes and pointy features. He is always well-dressed. Choosing designer everything over anything common. He has a habit of wanting the absolute best.

  • A spoiled rich boy, he is very used to living the best possible life.
  • Masahiko smokes cigarettes frequently while he is thinking.
  • He considers himself to be a foremost developer of pharmaceuticals and is by nature a chemist.
  • He has no motives beyond his own happiness.
  • Masahiko's mother is Kujaku Meron, who was abandoned by his father for a younger, stupider woman in the past.
  • Masahiko is at base a misogynist and chauvinist, and dislikes and discredits women, thus he knew nothing of women before becoming one.