In regards to the 'points system' that existed between himself and Hikari for quite some time, Giyu once again had nothing to say. Would she take the offered gourd and assume the mantle of Shuten Doji, or would she have to go through some fit of rebellion beforehand? Either was an option, but it seemed she would choose the former. Giyu remained as patient as possible, seemingly even distant despite the fact that Tamamo's embrace also did nothing to deter him from leaving her in place. As for the matter of Hikari's next Avatar, her only verbal qualm was... its gender? "Baka," Giyu murmured before sighing. "It's only a source. Do what you want with it." It was as simple an explanation as he could manage. If she did not wish to be a male, she certainly didn't have to be. Perhaps she could be something other than the 'loli bait' he assigned to any other form she had. No, no; that wasn't very likely at all.

Ah, but what of the Slime those two my have been 'mean' to? Had they been? As a Slime, Rimuru clearly couldn't say anything about it. If he did, he'd completely blow his cover. There was, however, one clear reaction. Only one thing would truly give away all of the answers. One simple action could be taken to give away the truth, perhaps heralding a new age of treatment for Slimes everywhere. . .
