Oh? A curious one, and what was more... he took an actual interest in her work?! Oh this was almost a dream come true. After having one like Leorio at her side as a co-ruler she'd almost forgotten what it was like to have someone be a bit mentally capable as well. "Oh? Well I can speak since you enjoy it so much. I will also explain since you're so new to the world and my plan is rather detailed. And I will of course, keep this sweet voice of mine going~" she said more than happy to hear herself speak. Beyond all of this, explaining the nature of her expansion was good. "My new seat of power is a place... like a pleasure palace, full of women and all kinds of fun. Set up to be a place of enjoyment and indulgence," she said of her place. "That palace is known as Dis and the surrounding lands are all mine~" she mentioned of this place. "Obviously there needs to be people. A place of indulgence requires servants, pretty faces and other such people. We have to appeal to the masses to get them to flock there... so I've been collecting such people. In great varieties and to keep them where they need to be I created a barcodes. They can be scanned so you'll be able to identify them and return them to the areas or patrons they belong to, if they happen to wander off. Not that they can leave the kingdom itself, anyone who has a barcode is unable to remove it, and unable to leave the bounds of Dis~" she explained hinting at the greater purpose of her Knights within her kingdom and revealing some rather strange practices. "Lots of women and men to belong to my kingdom, but I can't always trust their allegiances. Some won't just swear an oath to do the jobs I need of them like you knights do. They have to be corralled. There is also the problem of those who wouldn't want to actually please patrons, even though they've already been barcoded and are members of the Kingdom," she mentioned thoughtfully reading. "But at least one of the women who works for me has a solution. A former nun at that which makes this all the better because they'll trust her help without thinking of the ulterior motives. She figured out how to keep our Demi-Human population in check and as such... I can keep anyone in check. A seal to keep pregnancies from happening, and also one to alter their personalities. Make them want to do their duties and serve patrons, even if they didn't come along willingly. Having them act as willing neigh excited employees for all of my patrons to grow my kingdom to the height it needs to reach!" Kolin had started speaking about the overall plan and it'd gotten more and more demented. She was speaking of enslaving people, of abusing their bodies even if they didn't volunteer for it. And she was doing so as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "Hell, something that alters the personality of those its applied to, will make even people like Emilia and Guin able to be kept in Dis. They won't run off if their prudish personalities are shifted ... and Cador won't care to look after them anymore if they are just sluts like all the others!~ His attention will be all for me, none wasted on lessers. And I'll be able to keep them all as my servants now!~ Isn't that great?!" She literally was excited about turning people into sex slaves of literally sacrificing a countless number of people who didn't volunteer to her pleasure palace of a city and altering their minds if they refused to act accordingly. All of this just to get revenge against people who technically hadn't killed her, just taken the power which had corrupted her already lackluster personality.

While Kolin's ego had her revealing the most dastardly part of her plans to Arthur. A now amused Merlyn was playing the part of a demented sorceress. Since, Cador was content to live up to the part of the loyal lapdog she could at least do her part here. "Ah yes, surely I pale in comparison to the Whore of Babylon. I guess all girls can't live up to that kind of hype~ Some day, someone will appreciate the premium of a decent personality and not just the physical manifestation of beauty she hides the rest of her ugliness behind. And on that day, I may save everyone from their pitiful existences~" scoffed the sorceress. If she didn't sound confident this whole play would work. Regardless, she'd save her personality shift for the all clear, which she knew Sir Cador to be tracking given his own personality.