"That's fine though, innit? I've got some ideas what to do with you, so don't worry over what to do with yourself," said Ozzy, continuing with the casual flirting they'd both allowed to fester for some time now. Oddly enough, he was quite proud of his most recent line, and it showed on the smug little face he wore at the time. Regardless, he easily moved past such a statement to continue eating. A bit of sausage here, a bit of egg there, and a bit of tomato somewhere else; he was making reasonably quick work of his meal. Of course, Ozzy knew the dangers of a microwaved meal. For whatever reason, those things could be nuked within the heating device, but they never held heat for very long at all. One bite could be piping hot, only for the next to taste as if it had recently left the refrigerator. He very well wouldn't be dealing with that, if he could help it at all. "I love that guy, but I can't say he's my favorite. I do enjoy Cumberbatch and his 'pingwings' talk a lot more than I should, honestly. I think I know exactly the show you're on about as well! The one with the bottlenose dolphins that go a bit campy when they get lonely?"