Personal Information

Name: Noto Suzu
Online ID: SentoO-O
Age: 14
Gender: Female

A young girl with large honey colored eyes and brown hair. She has a plain face but a hopeful visage. She often covers half her face with a large scarf and is most often seen wearing muted colors.


  • Suzu plays heavy PvP in games, so much that her nametag is almost synonymus with playing strictly for combat purposes.
  • She technically has no idea what the lore is for the game AoE but will still kill people in PvP.
  • Though she is a very nice person in regular conversation she is shy and does not speak often.
  • Once she tried to give the guy she liked chocolates and passed out before they left her hand.
  • She wants to kill the Geno Killer in a game as her crowning achievement.