The most interesting sentence of this meeting may have been spoken by Sin after a minor flirt. She declared that he could show her whatever he liked, claiming the offer was tempting. She couldn't have a clue what sort of deal she was signing with that line. Oh well; he'd ensure that she understood soon enough. "Oh, I will. I have a few ideas already," he said. Ki had been a conquest that he hardly had to lift a finger for. Ki, however, was not the Demon Queen of Anos Voldigoad. That title was given first to Sin Aponia, who now occupied his lap just as her predecessor once did. She'd be the one to receive a real effort.

Indeed, they were very similar individuals. Down to their Sources, they boasted similar essences. That could have been as much a curse as a blessing, but Anos didn't mind either way. Sin could have been his spiritual mirror image, or his polar opposite, and he'd have an interest regardless. To think, she even remained keen of thought enough to reclaim her earlier position just to unveil herself from the same angle he failed to see previously. The best angle, she called it. Was that so true? Time would tell.

Leaning back, Sin declared that her face wouldn't shift, alluding to the lack of penetration between them this time. To this, Anos quirked a brow. "Hm? You think your face being the same as it was a few seconds ago is enough for something else to take my attention from it?" he questioned. That was just nonsensical. Alas, he would have to tear his gaze away this time as per Sin's request. In doing so, he learned that yes, her bust was worthy of being the focal point here. Cloth strips mysteriously kept in place were lifted, and Anos' eyebrows appeared to mimic their rise. "Ho. Even better when they've just been uncovered," he mused before shamelessly leaning forward. One of Sin's breasts was grasped and slightly lifted by Anos' hand, and rather shamelessly, he let his tongue lash out against her nipple. "I'm almost surprised your brain remained intact enough to remember that arrangement. Should I honor my end as well?" A question was asked, but the time for whimsy had come as well. A simple licking wasn't satisfactory enough. Instead of waiting around for his question to be answered, Anos pursed his lips around the same nipple he'd teased for only a moment, seeming as if he wished to slowly inhale it into his mouth.