Shadiya listened to the words spoken by her household member and as he continued to speak her face began to fall. What little hope she had left of settling this before it got out of hand seemed to disappear from her eyes. Just when she thought everything would be okay, just when she believed that she and her friends could complete their goals and continue moving forward, it would be the one person she trusted most in her life, who would stand in the way of her own growth. "It wasn't like that, you weren't there, I was. This is better, but you don't want to see that do you?" Shadiya wished to argue, but she wasn't sure if she'd get through to this man or not. On the one hand, she knew only one thing. "I won't let you kill them Shaka. We, built this together and we're better than that, and they're our friends." she stood between herself and him the heart shaped pendent on her neck glowing with the power of her Djinn. She would spare just a moment for Aiolia smiling over her shoulder at the young blonde man. "You don't have to stay here for this..." she said. Her eyes though seemed sad, it was like the young girl, just had an odd realization about what was going on here.

Among this group with Shaka was a girl with dark brown messy hair and she had a vessel which was a ring, which had the ability to warp space allowing her body to move through solid spaces. She did this behind Shaka and began to walk through the rooms, obviously looking for people to slaughter. She knew nothing of this situation, but she had nothing better to do, and as such she'd do this for a few minutes.