At long last, Iino Miko arrived. This male had been waiting far too long for this exact moment, this exact reunion. How many cups of tea had he been through by himself? There were many dreams, many cups, and nary a Miko joining him. Now was finally the time. That brown-haired girl arrived just as he remembered her from that life oh so long ago. Ah, but there was one difference. It seemed her second life had an effect on the lass ─ one that shone through the eyes. What it didn't affect, was the core of her personality. That nervous finger-tapping, that uncertain broaching of a topic she gave consideration to... those things wouldn't change.

Regardless, she'd never been one to outright run away from most things. This core variant of the girl made her way eventually, deciding to question an act of sacrilege. What sort of answer would she receive? Well... it would be a question. "Is it? But I am Seimei, so it's my shrine. Doesn't that make it normal?" the lad asked while glancing in Miko's direction, a peculiar gleam in his eye. One cup remained full. "Though I've undergone a few changes in attire. What do you think? Does it work?" he asked before addressing more important matters. "By the way, yours is going to go cold if you stand around wondering if it's acceptable to drink. There's enough room to sit," the lad added as his rear was settled upon one edge of the well.