Personal Information

Name: Tsuchimikado Yukime
Online ID: Sorceress_Scrivener
Age: 32(ish)
Gender: Female

A small, enigmatic adult with a distinctive style. Standing at a petite stature, she possesses an air of quiet confidence. Her ethereal appearance is accentuated by a cascade of white hair that falls gracefully around her shoulders, creating a stark contrast to the neutral beige of her long overcoat. The coat, elegantly tailored, drapes down to her calves, exuding a sense of both modesty and mystery. Underneath the overcoat, she sports a traditional Japanese school uniform, a nod to a blend of cultural influences. The uniform, neatly pressed and adorned with subtle details, adds a touch of formality to her overall appearance. Completing her look, she wears a pair of glasses that perches delicately on the bridge of her nose, giving her an intellectual allure. The focal point of her countenance lies in her purplish eyes, a mesmerizing hue that seems to hold a depth of ancient knowledge. Behind those glasses, her gaze is both sharp and contemplative, revealing a keen intellect that belies her small stature. Overall, she presents an intriguing combination of elegance, intellect, and a touch of the mysterious.


  • A writer by convention, she occasionally teaches creative writing classes at the college level.
  • Yukime is often mistaken for a middle schooler, but she is actually in her thirties and relatively well-cared for.
  • Though she is quite clever in her field, she is bad at taking care of herself and is prone to spending large amounts of time and money only on her interests.
  • She appears to be a caffeine addict and is always seen drinking iced coffee.