Personal Information

Name: Nara Rita
Online ID: Indighost
Age: 30
Gender: Female

Riko is a slender woman with a prominent bust, slender waist. She has long wavy brown hair that is braided around her head and tied with a blue and red bow around the back and purple eyes and light skin.

  • Rita is the younger sister of Iino Risa. (They are estranged but not maliciously).
  • Rita has a tattoo on her left leg of a rose with vines and she can't remember when she got it.
  • Rita is working at the convenience store she inherited from the previous owner. Her husband is a salaryman.
  • She shares many physical attributes with her sister, including an almost indecent body type and love of lingerie.
  • Rita wears corrective lenses which seem to dull the color of her eyes a bit, they are actually a brighter magenta compared to the purple they appear to be.