Personal Information

Name: Ichinose Chizuru
Online ID: ~Hanabi*Sparkle~
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Chizuru has waist-length chestnut-brown hair, with a notable braid tied into a small ponytail hanging on the back (though it can appear to be on the left or right and light brown eyes. She's described to have a large bosom, long slender legs, and almost ideal proportions. She is athletic and has pride in her fitness and appearance. She also has an eye for fashion and is thus often seen wearing different and fashionable attire. Even so she is most often seen wearing glasses, which she switches for contacts in specific circumstances.


  • Chizuru works at a cosplay cafe, she enjoys being multiple different characters.
  • She is prone to seeming a bit 'reckless' in some instances but she is kind.
  • Chizuru is the type of person to honestly throw herself into anything she likes without hesitation; anime, manga, hentai, people, cosplay.
  • She is the type of person who hates the 'mean girl innocent act' finding herself incapable of staying quiet about rude people or the subtle bitch types who play innocent when called on their nonsense. To the point of almost seeming to be 'aggressive' towards certain people.
  • Her favorite costume is a mask wearing youkai she named 'Hanabi'.