Personal Information

Name: Amagasa Tsuzuri
Online ID: ChoSenPai
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Tsuzuri has green eyes, white waist length hair and a small beauty mark under one of her eyes.


  • Tsuzuri is a model student, while not involved in any major clubs she is in the top 10 of her class and manages her grades and activities well.
  • She games as her hobby and as such has adopted the 'hard ass' online persona to avoid problems with the male population in games.
  • Tsuzuri is actually a really kind but clumsy person, she seems to be incapable of keeping it together under extreme pressure.
  • She enjoys games with lots of action and love stories worked in (she has a secret love of yaoi and yuri type manga)
  • Her favorite type of man is aloof, stern and caring. Though she generally enjoys all kinds of other people.