Princess had done nothing to deserve the sort of day she was now having. Her current client was some kind of madman she was sure. He saw her face with her tongue sticking out as he choked her. And there was a strange amount of violence in this action but somehow it didn't feel the same sort of menacing as her childhood experiences. Weird, this day was just plain weird. The weirdest thing to happen afterwards was this man sucking on her tongue as it hung out of her mouth. Pure panic and confusion flew through her eyes. She was a prostitute. People didn't go down on her, and they also definitely never kissed her. 'Freaky ass, kissing a prostitute. Telling me you like my face!' she was beyond normal thoughts. She was turning him on, that was more normal, that deep throbbing she felt right against her cervix was very abnormal. He called her a liar and claimed to like punishing liars. He even spoke of choking her out as it might be fun. She looked at him with confusion in her eyes. She was a prostitute, why did he expect honesty? She'd likely been more honest with him in the last few hours than she'd been with herself in her adult life. In fact dripping clutching loins were trying their best to get her to something she would enjoy and even without the ability to take a deep breath she, seemed relatively calm. Her only panic concerned that lack of orgasm. 'Am I some kind of masochist?' she wondered. Perhaps she'd be better described as a switch... yeah, she could see that.

Meanwhile, Kaguya mentioned only really wanting praise and Hiruko offered to put it on his tab. A grin spread across her face as she looked at him, even while she remained physically busy with her friend in her lap. "Hai, sounds good to me, Hi-niisama. I'll hold you to it♥~" Kaguya flirted right back. At the same time. Beyond this point, both of Kaguya's desires were agreed to, she'd be getting her own bottle and she'd be first to ride this ride while they were both here. Good all was well. "Hai hai," Kaguya chimed happy with the turn out. Miko felt smug, this was why she took that snack before they went to get her, she was always like this, sneaking in first. Oh well, she didn't actually mind and couldn't actually be upset considering that hand which had slipped under her dress was indeed doing quite a bit. Though they'd come to a stop, Miko was flush faced and oddly quiet for the duration of the ride, but that was mostly Kaguya's doing as she repaid a certain thing Miko had been doing to her in the days prior to this one. "Preoccupied? No idea what you're getting at Hi-niisama. Mi-chan's just got a solo to sing is all♥!~" she flirted and only a second there after it finally happened. "Kayaaaaah♫~" Miko finished around her friend's fingers. "That was worth it!. Let's go Mi-chan, Hi-niisama♥!~" she said happily pecking the back of Miko's neck before releasing her. They were friends, they took care of each other. Perhaps Miko rode Hiruko into oblivion for the sake of giving her friend a turn and maybe Kaguya decided to get Miko off on the car ride to ease her feelings a bit. Or maybe they were both just perverts and would have acted the same regardless... it didn't really matter now that they were ready to get out of the car.